Doing what I do best


I don't think it's much of a secret that I love cooking, especially if you follow my insragram @life.w.five

I have a big family and I come from a small one, however my parents generation and the generation

before them were all big families. The more children you have the more mouths you have to feed and some times this can mean getting a little creative. Cooking is my passion and I have my grandmothers to thank for that. I draw inspiration and strength from them every day when I put on my apron and cook for my family. 

My new favourite thing to make is homemade pasta. My darling husband bought me the pasta attachment for my kitchen aid mixer this past Christmas and it is likely the best gift I have ever received! I don't need jewelry or flowers, just kitchen gadgets :) 

If your like me and have a big family to feed or your just struggling due to the climate of the world right now. I invite you into my kitchen where I will share tips and tricks along the way for what I have found works for us. The biggest thing though is you have to limit your waste. If there is leftovers from a meal, freeze them or eat them the next day. You would be amazed how much money a family can throw out in wasted food. 

Cooking from scratch can be a great way to save money but you need to be real with yourself too. Some times we are tired and we need a no fuss meal. Yes I love to make homemade pasta and sauce and it saves me a ton of money but some days I'm spent and knowing I have a box of pasta and a jar of sauce is such a good feeling. Like wise with Pizza, I make and amazing home made pizza but it's a process because I make my own dough and sauce and some days its great to know I can pop a boxed frozen pizza into the oven and go put my feet up. 

So if your looking for convenience cooking or making it from scratch, I'm your girl. I will take you on a journey of flavour! 


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