About Me

Hello! I'm Laura, I'm a stay at home mom to five kids. My husband and I had five babies in five years. We have gone from first time parents to seasoned vets. Double baby wearing, stroller pushing over tired zombie parents to people who still don't sleep but are starting to get the hang of living on broken sleep or non at all. My husband is military so if you're military you can relate to the chaos that brings to any family life and marriage. Throw a couple special needs kids into the mix, some hearing aids, glasses, and a deep love of Jesus, that about sums up our family.

I must warn you, I'm a bit of a traditional woman. I love to bake, cook, sew, knit, and crochet. I haven't tried much that I haven't been able to succeed at along the lines of traditional housewifery. Now guitar on the other hand, I still cant figure it out.  I volunteer in my community and at my kids school when I can. I'm rarely inappropriate, but I know how to have fun.  

Thanks for stopping by


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