Indoor Gardening

 An indoor Garden

Welcome to the indoor garden! As you saw in my post I have started an indoor garden to help off set the cost of feeding our large family. Having an indoor garden will give me the ability to provide my family with fresh, organic produce all year round. 

I have to admit, I do not have a green thumb and I really didn't have much faith in this crazy idea of mine. In fact most of my family is just along for the ride and didn't have much faith in it either. I figured it was worth a shot just to see if it would be possible. 

Well my friends I don't even think it's been a week yet and I already have sprouts from my broccoli and endive seeds! I can not tell you how exciting it was to walk out to the garage this morning and see them! I know it's just sprouts and I still have some time to wait to see if they will grow into food but I'm hopeful now and so excited. Keep checking back for updates. 

August 31st:

Almost everything has sprouted in the indoor garden. I can not express my excitement enough! I'm really starting to believe I can do this. I'm currently on the hunt for some more pots so I can expand my crops. I would like to add some squash, and I have ordered some seeds online for brussel sprouts, and lemon cucumbers. Candace Cameron-Bure shared a video on instagram of her lemon cucumbers which I had never heard of so I wanted to give them a try. I'm also thinking I might want to expand the crops I already have so I have crops at different stages and will always be able to harvest. 

The kids are starting to get excited as well to check on the crops every day and they are excited to cook with produce we have grown our selves. A few years ago at our old house we grew cucumbers and made homemade pickles so they are hoping to do that again, as am I. 

September 2nd

The garden has grown! The crops are getting bigger, and I've added more crops to the garden.

-brussel sprouts

-lemon cucumbers

-green beans



We were all very excited to go into the garden this morning and find that our tomato, and cucumber crops doubled in size last night! 


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